ryan96 发表于 2011-2-4 18:13:35

Zombo对WT11 R1的评语

A: raeik - best combo of the group, just too many good elements in a complete package
freeman - execution is crap; don't like the double-push on the two-handed seasick at the beginning. first part of the combo is amazing in terms of creativity up until the thumb/arm stop which is cool. rest of the combo is not so great though. the group is not that strong IMO, so should still make it
ponkotu - bad execution too; terrible mistake while setting up the finisher. very short but filled with good content, so I like it.

well like I said this is a weak group and that's the only 3 that I really liked. so if I had to pick a 4th I'd say Fire@fox or metal. props to colddi for improving his style.

B: I don't know the exact order here

Rhetoric - love this combo!! great rhythm, good execution, very flashy links and tricks.
Baaron - good style, only weak point is :12-:14 I find a bit weak.
Supawit127 - not the biggest fan of his, this combo a bit different than usual due to 2p2h, I'm willing to bet he prepared a lot to succeed in this WT
dOmToM - love the effortless direction changes, the ending is sweet but looks flukey

Wah, Ivabra were also very good so too bad for them

C: Vic - #1, killer, complete package
Sister_R - Strong style, but will he get stale after a few rounds?

Hmm that's about it, the rest I didn't really like that much. So maybe A13x (structure too disconnected, but nice technique). 4th place hmm either Ccw (nice 1p2h, some execution problems at the end) or Nz (don't like the trick selection, but its well executed)

D: kin - insane combo, i love the way he wiggles his index when doing triangle pass 234 ("come over here!"), green mx zombo-style helps a lot too jajajaja
Smile - Solid stuff, good mastery
Gisele 8 - like this combo a lot, leveraged the speed perfectly, this is how fast combos should be done.
Tose - amazing finish, probably the most memorable of the first round. rest of the combo backs it up.

E: Eriror - Awesome, all the highlights are accentuated correctly, only problem maybe is :18 that pen raise looks a bit artificial
gollumsk8 - its not the best combo ever by him but its solid enough, it shows overall skill level without really any low or highlights
snow - the angle is terrible; should have at least cropped the video to get rid of the dark space. the combo itself is amazing though and stands out.

for 4th hmm I'd take Minzian (lovely opening, nice changes) or ocha (horrible structure, but insane tricks like the punkan into 1p2h that was awesomeee), its too bad 1 of them will be eliminated

F: x1213 - insane combo, great flow, great control
Mesi - well, really short, not much to it... still outstanding tempo
Tigeroat - really good stuff, the more I watch the more I like it, 2 really appealing face-up sequences going down the fingers, and nice finish
ASIn - nice style but can't see shit

honorable mentions - (kirua - good breakdown, but the rhythm is off, need to re-think the structure), anikis (terrible angle / camera, break is difficult but it doesn't really show on film)

G: HAL - aggressive spin, dynamic but in control
Rex - not the best, sometimes redundant in the "highlights", still good
Lekunga - the seasick at the beginning is one of the memorable moments in R1, but I am a bit concerned with his potential in future rounds.
Fratleym - the zoomed in version is really good, can see the details very nicely, and the execution is up to par.

kr4zy has great stuff but again it seems like he has hit his ceiling, its a shame the group is tough.

H: s777 - best spinner in the world currently, no one can reproduce this combo on a comssa.
BaiMai - one of the few who know how to use spinless 1p2h sequences effectively. one of the highlights of R1.
Sponge - nice surprise, some of the linkages are really awesome, I want to see more

I don't know for the last spot, either Penja (overall skill level is good, but lacking the big WOW moment) or ctionist (good technique but terrible control...)



四分之一 发表于 2011-2-4 18:16:43


Corpse 发表于 2011-2-4 18:18:43


乔治P 发表于 2011-2-4 18:23:31

回复 3# Corpse


ryan96 发表于 2011-2-4 18:24:07

Corpse 发表于 2011-2-4 18:18 http://bbs.pserhome.com/images/common/back.gif

yubin1994 发表于 2011-2-4 18:29:38


sMiku 发表于 2011-2-4 18:46:57

本帖最后由 sMiku 于 2011-2-4 18:48 编辑

有人在翻了么 没人的话等下吃完了来写下大意
其实对一般人帮助不是很大 都是针对参赛pser的一些意见建议

Tempark 发表于 2011-2-4 18:47:20


Zenga 发表于 2011-2-4 19:01:26


hhhh029 发表于 2011-2-4 19:06:02


AT鬼墓 发表于 2011-2-4 19:17:06


MJY 发表于 2011-2-4 19:26:12


Ty.Destiny 发表于 2011-2-4 19:26:28


CloudEdogawa 发表于 2011-2-4 19:28:55


raeik -最佳的组合,在一套完整的体系里有许多美好的元素

sMiku 发表于 2011-2-4 19:40:48

本帖最后由 sMiku 于 2011-2-4 19:47 编辑


raeik - 这组最好的combo,就是优点元素在一组完整的combo里用得太多了
freeman - combo表现得太渣了;不喜欢开头双手的按两下晕船?(这NM什么东西……还是看视频去吧)。combo的第一部分创意很惊人,一直到那个很酷的thumb/arm stop。剩下部分不够好。这一组我认为不是那么强,所以仍然应该
make it(make what?)。
废品桑 - 也表现得很渣;结尾的时候很糟糕地失误了。很短但是充满了很好的内容所以我很喜欢。



rhetoric - 我爱这个combo!! 很好的节奏和表现,很亮的连接和tricks。
baaron - 好风格,唯一的弱点是12到14秒我发现一处。
127 - 我不是他最大的fan,但是这个combo有些不同寻常因为2p2h,我可以说他为赢得WT做了很多准备。
domtom - 喜欢他的无支持变向, 结尾很好但是看起来不成功。


vic - 第一名,杀手,完整的组合
R姐 - 很强的风格,但是他会在几回合之后过时吗?


kin - 疯狂的combo,我喜欢他做triangle pass 234的时候蠕动(?)食指的方式,绿mx和zombo风格有很大帮助嘎嘎嘎(囧)
simle - 硬角色,好表现
gisele 8 - 很喜欢这个combo,完美利用了速度,这就应该是combo应该的速度。
tose - 惊人的结尾,也许是R1最值得记住的结尾。combo的其余部分做了铺垫。

ek - 帅,所有的亮点都很正确地突出了,唯一的问题是18秒的pen raise(air?)看起来有点假(原文是人造)。
gollumsk8 - 这不是他最好的ombo但是够硬,表现了整体的技术水平,没有低潮和亮点。
snow - 角度弱爆了;应该至少让视频避免黑色的地方。combo本身足够惊人和出色。


x1213 - 疯狂的combo,很好的流动和控制
mesi - 很短,没有太多要说的……仍然有出色的节奏
tigerot - 很好的角色,我看得越多就越喜欢,2 really appealing face-up sequences going down the fingers这句不懂,不错的结尾。
asin - 不错的风格但是can't see卧槽(看不清楚?)

友情提示 - (kirua - 好BD,但是节奏没掌握好,需要重新考虑结构), anikis(糟糕的角度和cam,BD难度大但是在视频里表现不出来)

HAL - 有气势,活跃并且能控制好
rex - 不是最好,有时候有过多的“亮点”,仍然不错
lekunga - 开头的晕船(又来了,我不知道seasick是不是trick名)是R1值得被记住的瞬间,但是我比较期待他在接下来几个回合的潜力。
frat - 放大的视角很好,能很好地看清楚细节,表现的不错。


s21 - 现在世界上最好的pser,没有个能用comssa复制这个combo
baimai - 我认为少数几个懂得很好地利用spinless 1p2h顺序的人之一。R1的一个亮点。
sponge - 不错的惊喜,一些连接真的很帅,我想看更多

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