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本帖最后由 penlcz1024 于 2012-5-1 11:11 编辑
4 K& J' d. o. h) q
' E2 l! g5 `4 ]! Z; h 2 a) v! B0 f' L
3 c8 k0 W5 Q! A0 h2 u* P
WC12世界赛进行到R5半决赛,大家的视线都开始集中在德国GPC、美国UPSB、法国FPSB、以及大杂烩KMSC上。继WC10大放光彩之后复出,为德国打下连续好几轮Artistic主题的战士Minwoo,更是成为了比赛的焦点所在。8 c, J& i$ x p6 v6 {6 [
+ O* w, I; }5 P0 R$ _; k: o- T新复出的Minwoo不仅延续了当年优良的出片质量,更是将Linked 1P2H这个由泰国Baimai发起的新概念带上了新高度。New Minwoo,已然成为每轮最受期待的选手。, F2 {7 v: Z( [: T& P# L) l
' E" o9 i. t$ O8 ?8 X/ w( L但是,在R5半决赛中,Minwoo的表现不禁令人大失所望。重点并不是在于技术的下降或者创意的不足,而是他作弊了。+ w' n3 m7 q) S
* B9 I- L4 H6 u' J
首先贴上Minwoo此次参赛的原片:- D# p6 t/ e: I' G
: h/ A, Z3 a1 i. S8 L- I% ~, T4 ` g* s3 c
4 L9 {% f9 X! m2 p; cYoutube地址:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJTGbCzuyYE
9 B$ N' D3 J e) l6 k( v8 w' q) z2 [7 f7 s2 V3 C
4 m! A0 E/ q8 W
9 ^- |4 X: q9 J z这段视频一开始就以双手同步暴力示人,非常有气势,但是,这一段被破解之后会发现其实是由两个视频合成的效果。这场作弊最先是由法国FPSB的Fel2fram和列支敦士登LPSA的Taichi发现,在UPSB聊天板道破之后,美国UPSB的这轮打Artistic主题的neoknux马上将Minwoo的视频作光线对比度修复。修复之后结果如下:9 W8 ?: M# W' o1 \
* I) k0 V% O/ ?6 {7 k! g
7 H, L+ c* Q' B/ Z. n
1 o# c3 L9 F9 k+ Z' V. U; ?: LYoutube地址:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66HJIZ2iAZQ0 o+ C2 f! L0 @
$ H& c5 V2 t g5 G4 K9 `' p
透过修复,Minwoo的作弊已经非常明显。- }: I6 ^6 Q5 x8 u/ n
! q; R. |6 p3 \" m, D! O
neoknux作为Minwoo本轮的对手表现出了宽宏大量,他写道:"I forgive you minwoo. As direct competitor against minwoo, I personally ask the judges to allow me to verse minwoo anyway, ignoring his right side in the beginning of the video.(even if minwoo is automatically disqualified) Id like to know the result."(我原谅你,Minwoo。作为Minwoo直接的对手,我以个人名义向裁判请求保留Minwoo对战资格,忽略他视频开始时右手的部分即可。就算Minwoo犯规自动出局,我也想要看到评分结果。)1 {6 O. c z$ X' i2 {& l! O
9 b4 ?- i4 B s$ r# t
此视频一出,便在各大论坛引起轩然大波,挺Minwoo的倒Minwoo的吵成一片。GPC宣称团队对Minwoo此举并不知情,原先与GPC关系不好的LPSA开始趁机攻击GPC的品行,UPSB则是所有国家的pser都留言表示失望并要求Minwoo作出解释。+ n' Z% Q$ {& F+ S+ E; {' N W
/ q" Q, m# g$ B' [7 h
Minwoo的好朋友,泰国THPSC神手Supawit发布了以下视频为Minwoo声援:" [6 S% G( d7 b! Z" I% l! _) Z
' \$ C# v" G1 l5 M+ ^( [- t9 a+ C
Youku地址:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzg5NTMzMDY0.html8 M# P4 `* O D# R3 W
Youtube地址:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISPsaFsR_aw6 f- M/ L) Z5 K! [& e
# j s3 o5 K0 K0 _/ }9 sSupawit在视频简介中写道:"At first I want to say that congratulations to neoknux for making an amazing video , I am impressed by your combo :) (Y) and you guys know ? minwoo's combo is still great and impressive without cheating (I just lay black wallpaper on the cheating side) Just want you guys to forgive minwoo, he has still made incredible achievements and contributions to pen spinning. :( Yes I know I am disappointed too and I never think that he will do this but I see many comments complaining him on his video. I really feel sorry for him and I think he is really depressed now :( please just let it pass"(首先我想对neoknux说恭喜你,你的参赛视频很棒,我非常欣赏。还有,你们知道吗?Minwoo的combo就算不看作弊的部分也是非常厉害和令人印象深刻的,我的版本的视频中用黑布遮掉了作弊的手的部分。希望你们可以原谅Minwoo,他对转笔界做出了卓越的贡献。是的,我知道,我也对他的参赛视频感到失望和难以置信,但是当我看到他的视频下面那么多埋怨他的评论的时候,我为他看到遗憾,他现在肯定也是非常不好受的。请让这件事情过去吧。)
/ s+ E8 |# m! n4 r! y& g, a# p9 W7 l9 P ?$ ~/ n' ^# `7 \
好友相挺,黑子狂喷,Minwoo于昨天终于在UPSB发话了:2 M- S% ~; D& S& p# N
1 L! g0 B Y3 Z3 P8 C/ Q"Hey there,it is obvious. Reason: It took me a long time to record this 2p2h combo (in real, haha). I was quite often close making it. However I did not. When I injured my left hand as I told my team 2 weeks or sth. ago. Beeing mad and disappointed by myself haven't finished the combo and try to keep up with the high expectations of my team, friends and fans. I "cutted my left hand into an other, where I messed it up". I thought no one would care. However I got "BUSTED" hard as VStrike is saying by taichi. But I think I am not. It is good - happy taichi made this. Happy that someone is taking this serious. So good job to anyone and of course I am apologizing being naiv. Best wishes for you all and neoknux - I am very sorry and you are the winner of the battle (if I have anything to say, haha). Enjoy Spinning. Bye Bye"(嗨,这很明显了。原因:录这个2P2H的片花了我很长时间,真的。我真的非常接近完成它了,然而我没有。我两周前弄伤了我的左手,这个我已经告诉过我的队友了。我对自己已经疯狂和失望了,但是我还是想满足我的队伍、朋友、粉丝对我的高要求。参赛视频中,我将我的单独左手的视频剪切到另外一个失败的视频上。我以为不会有人管的,但是之后VStrike告诉我我被taichi狠喷了,我还以为我没有。这是好事,我对taichi的认真态度表示高兴,我很高兴有人真的认真了。那么,大家都做得很好,我对我的幼稚表示抱歉。最好的祝愿给你们,还有neoknux,我非常抱歉,你赢了。享受转笔吧,拜拜。), y/ f q" V% c2 y. _* W Y
q& V" i0 O; F0 r8 ], S
这次风波已经接近平息,Minwoo的粉丝们依然对他表示理解和支持。6 j" P7 @. P; p: H) h! E) r+ U# B
* k8 j7 Q+ t7 I' | o6 S5 M9 E希望Minwoo可以一直走下去,也希望转笔带来的压力不会再引人去作弊。: m+ ^, ~! ?4 s! h" A: T! w" D
5 k# k; J, @8 i2 i7 o- m2 w |