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Team Tournament Final Round


签到天数: 67 天








LV 7 (高手)


Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10



发表于 2012-10-13 22:15:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 441487959 于 2012-10-13 22:22 编辑
) z, K# K/ c6 i1 J" T5 Z& i) Q$ V4 T4 `' t  Y$ {
http://forum.upsb.info/showthread.php?t=117723 E6 U. C; J: x: r3 `
- E9 \! e& C! k" P; k% U" ~$ }
求英语帝0 b8 G4 d: R3 {1 t& t
+ I$ s4 D+ E" r. }/ L+ R3 J& P( K" b1 ^$ ^# C) z

Korean style Judging :
5 B+ ?! r" c0 |' HKorean Style Judging
* _1 Z6 G0 m9 [8 S0 o- ~3 pJudge 13 p! I/ R- N4 k# n) `3 a. O+ y
Mark & Orange+ N; p0 L- r+ I* e: H
Execution: 8
5 O, o- ~6 ~8 ?7 H! X& ]Difficulty: 74 |7 A4 H3 [2 t
Creativity: 8
9 t  y; W" n: G) a  b3 YAppeal:8
& a( P' k; _5 ]$ j/ f6 P: t1 V( ^. V) D5 ]* ?# U
Total: 31/ k* @* K& E0 k' y$ a( m6 n# q  H2 S
Very interesting doubles videos. The overall presentation and the execution of each individual spinner was indeed very appealing; also, examining the video holistically only increases the enjoyment factor. Both spinners displayed decent korean linkages as well as some new school linkages. The overall execution of the clips was superb when considering the stable control but spinners retained throughout the video. All in all, this is a another great video submission by Spinny [PSH].
2 V5 q/ Q; B% \; o; F9 ~, s# Z4 x( t, g6 T) n2 d* V. Z

Yamaguchi . l( {! ^. S! ~1 z2 s
Execution: 9
+ M( h* l( [2 H6 J- a/ cDifficulty: 6
9 }$ P8 z  N( s. W2 V) XCreativity: 6
9 c: Q' P7 k$ o+ XAppeal: 9
' t# g# s, T  \$ F* N* _4 F5 ?% ?0 z3 S0 N- K
Total: 30
* h5 A* E6 f% E( ]1 G$ YExcellent combo by e.X.e.Y's Yamaguchi. His outstanding smoothness and style was a absolute eye catcher throughout the combo. This combo definitely fit this round's korean style theme. His smoothness not only highlighted his control and confidence during this combo but also contributed to fluidity and flow of the combo. The combo was wrapped up by a clean and concise finisher giving the combo some definite closure.
) U) f. I& m  n/ \

( p# k& y$ C" l; _* Y$ v

, n8 n8 T0 F% ?Execution: 7  P  ?; f$ ?1 Z4 q5 ^
Difficulty: 6
- l+ z# F8 U& \& U" dCreativity: 6
6 }, M& I4 f& d8 ^5 qAppeal: 94 l" s. j# A2 V- w( I
! [- x$ b9 D3 j. c0 o: f
Total: 28
; W7 d" `6 q# Q' t# XA very flashy combo by AD's Juminuwo; right off the bat jumi's flashy style and flamboyant hand movements emits and appealing aura. Juminuwo's stylistic approach to korean style is very interesting and is quite enjoyable to watch. However, there were some stumbles and split-second pauses that seemed unnatural; this in itself brings down the smoothness and brings attention to his wavering control at certain points in the combo. It's, however, a very solid combo worthy of being judged in the final round.+ C, k) p6 }7 ?4 |% B
/ S: X. _) T7 g0 q3 J" H

+ _" v* _' R0 J3 @* p6 e9 `3 q3 `4 A) N/ E
Judge 20 N! W; `( U5 Y* q* O/ H! N
Juminuwo: 23.5/40
- @3 s$ P, l% f! `Execution 6/10 1 mistake in the combo
/ s4 k5 X8 R6 [9 _4 _' ]: @7 r- u. KDifficulty 4.5/10 some difficult tricks and links in there; u7 w8 p& G) W; u4 q) ?
Creativity 4/10 good use of linkages# I3 O1 N/ ]: I' W. E) u
Presentation 9/10 style heavy and overall good presentation
2 e* z+ T  z1 p; h3 K

  P+ Q6 h8 [  N% E( h5 v) _6 fYamaguchi: 24/40
2 G0 M# W* _) JExecution 9/10 almost perfect combo( S: T- \% B' i: F4 W! e  m2 L3 r
Difficulty 6/10 healthy amounts of difficulty in the combo overall- k- C( L. N6 O1 c. t, E
Creativity 2/10 some attempt to be creative
# N5 j! ?$ _% Z3 N, aPresentation 7/10 overall good presentation but it was quite normal overall, nothing that stood out overall: l; H- _( I  O' i6 g& i2 d1 P

' k2 ?$ v0 \3 b2 E3 xMark and Orange: 16/40
7 q( j. k- j  y& hExecution 10/10 no mistakes at all# t8 m8 a$ \0 h3 ]" J
Difficulty 2/10 extremely simple combos very little attempts at difficulty  P/ X4 ~: @3 |7 ]8 g1 F0 O
Creativity 0/10 no creativity9 M" s) A* X) y% n3 v5 u
Presentation 4/10 weird edit together, weird segregated combos. presentation overall was quite bad
! {- T5 ~2 J8 c4 l0 }
* {. ?2 s6 @' _9 `) O3 k/ E, tso the winner is Yamaguchi for me5 S6 s! r8 l- U* S

4 k/ _3 F% p3 u7 r(Note: I may not be entirely correct with my judging in regards to the theme so let me know if you guys have differing opinions)0 y, K' N1 V* W' i3 \

% P! J' e  A& @- @+ ?
- s' W; q* U: i
5 ^, m" s) C/ C3 X+ ?% @! fJudge 3' F: V+ \% O, ~
7 d& H0 C- A, g& l3 e# }Execution: 8/10
, X; ~' f8 U6 B" }Difficulty: 6.5/10
4 ~6 q  L5 s7 `# y( T+ w6 J) w8 ~Creativity: 7/10
$ r# g  G. F' s. a3 s5 _# yAppeal: 7.5/10- }" O$ u4 u. {# [3 X
Total: 29/40
# c% s3 i5 z4 j4 O
: x8 k. [8 O6 A, ^+ m. O. u' M' T4 |e.X.e.Y
& K+ h8 y/ I+ tExecution: 8/10
7 V/ A% ^4 g7 RDifficulty: 7.5/10
* b' z  m7 h9 l1 D8 {- B! h- I. W6 aCreativity: 7/10
& A1 z& V9 f$ V4 TAppeal: 8/10: c8 T$ M) H% Z5 K
Total: 30.5/40
6 T3 w' @0 k7 D& ]6 m4 s
/ W2 h- Y- h$ S* Z* `0 _6 ]Advanced Direction
4 j1 n! g, |) `" c! L8 y+ N8 j. {% eExecution: 8.5/10
: Z4 O0 a1 Z: Z% Q1 b7 sDifficulty: 7.5/10
1 E6 j1 q( ?: r- C* |; ACreativity: 7/10
2 K4 H* i$ @/ a8 j" ^Appeal: 8.5/10
2 [( O, S0 G& M; u; RTotal: 31.5/40
% e9 r3 T3 y, I5 c* i" y2 `
4 Q* t; O; y7 K) Y0 ^Score-wise, it was quite a close battle between the three of them, with Advanced Direction having a 1-point lead over e.X.e.Y. Jumi and Yamaguchi each had their own appeals, mixing in some of their personal flavors. For Yama, I think there was a bit of Japanese style in it, and as for Jumi...well, I don't know.
( R# j- a  }$ D7 f8 g  |0 Q  z
' Y  c5 r2 z. |$ B& ]% ]2 d8 u1 @Creativity-wise, if we are to stick to the definition of Korean style within the UPSB wiki, all teams performed quite well. Mark & Orange might have to pick up a bit on the technical portion of the definition, but I think they got the other parts quite well. Jumi's spinning seems to fit the definition well in that it featured a substantial amount of technicality, yet while keeping the pace and rhythm of the spinning. Yama might need to brush up on expanding the technical horizon.
' I, |4 B6 o# ]5 H$ P& `1 Y' P9 g, L5 b, F  P1 L
Difficulty-wise, Mark&Orange, seemed to perform averagely. There are other tricks which could've added technicality (reference to Jumi and Yama's videos), or even difficulty, without sacrificing smoothness. I guess subtle tricks might do it. Yama and Jumi both performed well, yama focusing towards finger slot tricks for the desired difficulty and Jumi mixing in some stops and hand motions to further control the pen movement./ l1 K. `: ^% i

$ q! o4 n2 f0 R# R1 x4 L) c. }& mMark&Orange, also needs to work on appeal. The spinning looked bland (for one spinner) and rushed (for the other).
# X8 l# d. W& R+ z) V0 V2 y
" R# h" z& Z1 i$ rBut after all this, there is so much you can do to be able to truly adhere one's spinning to the "true" Korean style. I guess watching the videos of oldies PSing can be the best we can get to seeing the said style." V# X! r. d0 ?4 V( D5 a8 W. y+ g

8 u% M  L- O8 j( f  {9 NAll this being said, I hereby declare Jumi as winner.5 d' f) V; t' K6 F

, v& T& p# {! y" p% K! N4 ~" f8 B1 g3 ]

7 r2 m; L2 j- K, O- N7 n- [3 f
. y& C% L& v- ]. l& [6 r; v8 g9 V# S$ i+ J0 ]
Final Result : Tie -.___-.   都平了6 [* `# B5 \" }7 U- g
4 c, f: {  v$ d' [3 {5 l9 m7 f; e
: P+ }% L3 q  t# i
) v) q! W; C' z' N8 X8 W

/ `  ], T$ I* W. ?1 e) `3 v8 K+ o" a9 m( ?1 J2 y3 l9 l, R! ?

9 z* R* [, U% f! w* f% ?' MPower Style judging:
1 w4 z- G' h, _6 O- \
% ?+ E  z, ^6 i, N8 GPower Style Judging9 Y( E) z  A( v7 D- n: [5 U
Judge 1
; b* K! w1 A$ R" WAdvanced Direction - Ivabra:( K$ k7 Y4 L( V5 S) _
Execution 9/10
+ A5 A4 v3 x( SDifficulty 8/104 U8 C3 G7 T  _* t  f0 [
Creativity 7/10
& V1 N* Y! ?. ?; S% l. RAppeal 7/109 M+ j" z! t" u8 w5 a
312 `& y& b) S' W9 C: Z# q$ J4 y
--Insane linkages, that aerial into top spin trick (flawless), though I felt that you could do a little more with the finisher. ' k& f4 w' w0 w6 S- j7 A

) C7 M; s( w# He.X.e.Y - AlvinPS:% t5 n1 \3 q  ~( T( N/ p
Execution 8/10) u) p4 D5 J; T& c
Difficulty 7/10# K- Q6 h) ]- `6 y
Creativity 6/10
6 t: }' L% b# l2 ^, |- DAppeal 6/10+ F0 e# M# v- I
* N4 d+ M- q  G--Your power tricking was ok I guess. Though, your combo felt dragged on way too long and that 1p2h move felt like it was thrown in unnecessarily into the combo.
3 c$ B6 L% {# a# S* R

6 ?3 h6 s  r3 u& D8 Q
Spinny - Cloud:) s+ U' B, Q* l. j5 K  }
Execution 8/10
' \5 ~: O3 X( r3 v0 vDifficulty 8/10( N) i4 m) k# R6 ?0 K
Creativity 8/10
$ ?" C* ?; g9 A! [Appeal 7/10
' G3 d# T5 v: Z0 U+ ~$ Z317 {; I4 h; B& `0 r  i
--He did a nice job with the top spin in the beginning but he went off-cam. D: Amazing power trick finish; great job with spreads harmonic/counters. Linkages seem easy; I may be wrong because of camera quality.
( S7 m. J/ m* n4 |) V4 v0 K1 v
% R  k" }3 p$ N( Q7 p% uWinner: Cloud
/ y4 v; x! z# N4 bFits with the theme nicely. I was really impressed with the finisher.
( P  K' A* O1 P9 J. r) {  I, o
* ~1 J9 L& _1 k- m) ?
  K! l& u1 l  z" V8 \$ Z8 `+ x
Judge 3
- i" W7 Z& s3 P# h! qspinner - execution - difficulty - creativity - appeal - total8 n+ n2 g4 D( y7 y

8 |$ F9 a  J4 Wivabra - 8/7.5/6/8 - 29.5 (good execution and balance, nice linkages, powerful style but power tricks should be stronger for this theme, great overall)  g, e6 P; i0 V* ]" `  e; {# ]6 l* P

" f" ]0 t9 t" Dalvinps - 6.5/6/4.5/6 - 23 (fix your camera haha good combo, but a bit long, can have stronger power)* `5 p4 U. L# }; W% i3 n. h
# P  a! w, a& R
cloud - 7/8.5/5.5/7.5 - 28.5 (zoom out a bit, hand goes offscreen once; power is strong, could have better linkages; nice beginning), F% G. B1 f, x# `) W; B

0 \5 w. |1 v/ j7 O2 [/ t1 k% F; dIVABRA WINS
" m. e4 ~5 z! D# ~0 V
" N% D% W' j2 A  ~. h1 s3 J2 n$ K+ J: p4 x

9 p4 I7 `  P4 D% z/ CJudge 3
* S8 Z5 l8 d) s& `0 a" wAdvanced Direction :
' |7 w. c% P! A% H) M6 f
+ q1 `3 A/ \7 R( f# ~, YExecution: 9.5/10/ P. J8 L, }! J, g- C6 @
Difficulty: 9.0/10+ n/ u6 l* x; ]" C$ E; s/ |, c
Creativity: 9.5/101 m1 b# ?5 W7 H! t8 R4 X% y" i& D
Appeal: 9.5/10
+ J2 d, W# A% o
% n! Z4 W0 h+ ~( gExecution: I felt some parts of the combo were slower/faster than others
$ [) i- t. f- C2 ^$ S9 j+ f9 w0 eDifficulty: Several of those hybrid and aerial tricks are hard to accomplish, but there wasn't a whole lot of power tricks involved imo
5 c  A, d0 G; H2 g/ Y1 MCreativity: I don't believe I saw many tricks being used more than 2 times, besides the power tricks.* |  q. r6 _3 H* u- J
Appeal: I liked the combo a lot, it was definitely something new and appealing, although it didn't use too many power tricks' d/ P5 o" \  r; r* X7 `0 [/ \

0 D; X% a/ Z& ]! C6 n4 w9 ~
e.X.e.Y :
; c4 E9 o) o, u( R. M% B
/ \! Q9 D0 u$ N2 ^0 E) fExecution: 8/10% s3 T, ?# b% I& H- h/ |6 I
Difficulty: 8.273/10
- T; X* r$ s7 a0 T$ o7 b+ f* HCreativity: 8.50000000000000001/101 b  P) S: B) ^6 k' O* z
Appeal: 6.5/10
2 f1 Q$ C9 z5 @8 L
1 y4 E" }- u. A" Z; W4 J5 `Execution: Some visible breaks in flow of the combo and honestly I couldn't see shit
' u8 b) \! ]8 U. g2 UDifficulty: I feel that most of the tricks this spinner did aren't really the most difficult tricks, although still difficult. " M7 [" e* J+ L' q3 f- N5 I
Creativity: I saw more power tricks in this video than the first, but some weren't executed the best.
$ _! I- r7 x; E, bAppeal: I feel this is kind of a stereotypical combo style of a mix of power and other tricks, so I didn't find it too interesting.
0 ^9 z" [5 l# z! E# ], X/ p

' }8 `' L" i! M+ x( f' D0 XSpinny:
4 m, {7 ~2 z% }( S0 M6 C% G9 ~" i0 t1 g' G6 L) w# s" q) h
Execution: 9.5/10
& {, K/ B6 _6 l3 J+ D5 i* LDifficulty: 9.75/10. _! x4 m: H3 Q: r4 L
Creativity: 10/10, |: |; D, _( s
Appeal: 10/106 u$ O, x" N  W. d
6 c5 F7 d( U+ g3 C9 ~5 c
Execution: The combo was done great, but the catch was a little sketchy
* G8 E6 b3 o: n- [Difficulty: Dat indexspin.
6 P& W( G/ t5 M3 `! {Creativity: I actually liked the way the combo linked together, especially the ending with the reversal tricks7 z5 |$ D3 }# |2 W
Appeal: I came
, x1 ?" G- B* S# }
: }) J  }) w3 L- ^4 a
. ^: |# H3 R: o3 \* I/ \4 |0 W1 w, Q0 i# O/ p! d
Final Result : Another tie -.____-.还是平了
  q- b* s4 K. s# k, e( y4 i
- T3 N- H7 \- N! t$ E, U1 K; ^+ S, l

8 @1 P) l, D% c' x" C: [7 y! x6 y. {- W- z9 Z3 L
1 o; {, V1 m: ]3 }! U) v& s7 ~

9 p% \8 ]+ j' z5 m1 D( k# g
" V4 I' X% i& a, M
+ e4 U4 m5 C& J8 C2 L5 m

( b5 i2 h. `  V) C( Q6 A! T: \" ?$ ]$ v
0 d# M/ ]  L! _; X+ l! {/ ~9 s* Q/ A# R) D3 ]
The solution to the tie:$ z; F- i6 i, }6 h" h' c! \8 J% H0 e

/ N+ }* E" s/ q! I  r2 R! _Final Round v2 :' }6 {6 K" g( z$ J4 K7 E- ?! X
! b, Y$ i0 C: b) g  y
-Double submitted by the teams 可以双打- W1 D5 }2 X! X' n
- 3 way battle. 3p

5 B% E% N3 Z5 I! v6 D- U-No theme  没有主题
2 D" c2 d8 k, Z4 `, b
Videos due on the 20th - |+ V- b8 N6 J3 l1 K3 ?4 @) O

* G; ?+ B. r5 ^6 \1 H
+ _3 k5 D* S+ k( M0 N0 S加油: c4 }( K# r/ H5 b
6 h: g, k4 C- N. D8 T


签到天数: 1 天










Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12



发表于 2012-10-14 00:15:41 | 显示全部楼层
无力吐槽,ss那个酱油回合已经很无力了= =

签到天数: 79 天








LV 7 (高手)


Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10



发表于 2012-10-14 02:19:53 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
其他大神加油来自: iPhone客户端
Trick tutorial(语音):http://bbs.pserhome.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=95433&extra=  









LV 5 (爱好者)


Rank: 6Rank: 6



发表于 2012-10-14 09:35:05 | 显示全部楼层
一笔前缘一缕烟。 自知冷暖。。。

签到天数: 235 天










Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

发表于 2012-10-14 10:39:45 | 显示全部楼层
其他大神加油 = =
-终有一天我会证明自己 .
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