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- 2017-8-21
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影片:http://bbs.pserhome.com/viewthread.php?tid=8889, ^' k7 o" L" v# X; m6 }! \& b
9 M1 l3 [- ~, R4 q1 `1 }5 P9 {星星/ B$ K. Z) x( [( K
palm down tw sonic>flia>flia to air>flma to air>flra to air>palm up to air. H; f7 Y6 z% ^% `/ S0 C
5 V* I0 G/ f9 W: m7 k
2 ~2 p' r. e e& T3 W8 hbasketball spin 6.0/ w4 L4 C/ e$ X- v/ S y. {% X
_0 t! ?9 O: v5 X3 F) W5 f双 (12ve)
! R- ?9 e( U& \) n( f) Nfltar1 k# o4 b c. S7 s* l& m
7 O. l" V. ?* [' j7 J. Sdemon's sonic 34-12>pass n 12-23>inverse sonic 23-13>pass n 13-34>demon's sonic 34-12>sonic r 12-23>, ~' i! n1 y) }
half ma 23-12>pass r 12-23-34>sonic 34-24> 24 stall >pass to 23>mid bak 23-12>index bak 12-t10 E/ a" o/ H% ~6 v
sonic r 12-23>sonic r 23-24>warped sonic r 24-12>inverse sonic r 12-13>pass r 13-34>demon's sonic 34-12>6 j3 N# a' Q9 N2 p
pass n 12-23>tw sonic 23-12>iar to air: ]) T& L$ e% \
; k+ ~" ^, H% W o( C移(星星)4 o" `8 r4 }# c1 L& x
figure 8 23>pass r 23-t2>wiper t2>上移>pass n t2-23>tw sonic 23-12>warped sonic 12-23>pass n 23-12>
: Z$ L& z. ^! S; y: ~) zfigure 8 12>pass r 12-t1>下移>pass n t1-12>figure 8 12>pass r 12-t1>wiper t1-t13>上移 t13-12>
1 G# V/ H( t/ d" h* U9 Z' Ypass r 12-23>tw sonic r 23-34>pd pass n 34-23>pd tw sonic 23-12>下移>pd charge r 12>pd pass r 12-23>9 H: x) V* \/ ~3 U
pd tw sonic r 23-34>pd pass n 34-23>pd tw sonic bust 23-12>下移>pass n 12-23>pd charge 23>ta! B! S4 O% a- M' y2 {$ O0 Y" [
8 D& V& m# S1 E+ f0 f9 s
; w$ Q" t+ J4 J: j2 N, J夹(12ve)8 M' S2 w' y! O$ ?
thumb middle around 23-23>pass r 23-34>pd pass n 34-23>pd tw sonic bust 23-12>pd neo iar 1-4>pass r to 34
/ K) w8 V/ d: q- Spd pass n 34-23>pd tw sonic 23-12>pd pass r 12-t1>charge t1>pass r t1-12>pass n 12-23>tw sonic 23-12>( l) J7 [2 h& T
neo iar 12-1>fl neo iar>korean fl ta r>pass n 12-23>inverse sonic 23-13>pass n 13-34>sonic 34-24>air mar to 3>( i( \# l+ I7 K; ]6 i p# e; q
移 3-t1>flta6 k3 J) M+ d/ g7 R. c
) b' ~( A. r" ^# I
- _+ |: b2 B* N3 L4 k/ a5 V( g0 L2 D甩(星星)( n6 ~$ F: [' z& Z7 P
warped sonic 23-34>wiper r 34>sonic 34-24>pass n 24-12>pass n 12-23>inverse sonic 23-13>
$ a# N2 x: X, I7 cpass n 13-34>pass n 34-23>sonic 23-13>pass n 1.0 13-34>demon's sonic 34-12>demon's sonic r 12-34>: q1 _ l2 T6 p' R* F5 d: l
inverse sonic 34-24>wiper h 24>34>pass r 34-13>wiper r 13>pd inverse sonic r 13-14>wiper 14-23>
& o. W$ e! P6 @# ifigure 8 23>pass r 23-t2>wiper t2-24>pd pass 24-12>tw sonic r 12-23>pass r 23-34>pd pass n 34-23>
8 c) o0 N0 l \1 {! ], Vfigure 8 23>pass r 23-t2>wiper t2-24>figure 8 to flta- ^- F- H( Q: M5 {" }
, [( u% M/ w$ T8 ]* I
! d% f0 a; Y, i ]fltar>warped sonic 12-23>inverse sonic 23-13>pass n 13-34>sonic 34-24>ma r 24-23>inverse sonic 23-13>pass n 13-34>8 q$ ?7 h' D! m- H) K+ V
demon's sonic 34-12>sonic r 12-23>ma>tw sonic r 23-34>pd demon's sonic 34-12>ex ta r>warped sonic 12-23>" m4 J" X- }$ N0 h6 Q
tw sonic 23-12>ex ta>air ex ta
6 w. B* \9 J& a, O/ f! x) d! k* Z
搓(星星)% x7 G! }% C7 C
pass n 23-12>搓>pass r 12-23>tw sonic r 23-34>pd pass n 34-23>pd tw sonic 23-12>pass r 12-t1>charge t1-t2>搓 t2-t1>
6 b v. v- n3 }2 B ^) ?fltar>pass n 12-23>tw sonic 23-12>pd 搓 12>neo bak 12-34>pd sonic 34-23>pd tw sonic 23-12>tw sonic r 12-23
6 Z2 u+ P% |3 N2 S5 T. T% Q2 T7 m+ A% I- c( m
: b" C6 ]5 `4 |7 ipu inverse shadow spin r 1.5>pu sonic 34-23>pu inverse shadow spin 1.0 23-t1>korean fltar>pd inverse sonic r 12-13>
7 O0 | b/ w: g$ b. Ipd pass r 13-34>pinky bak>pu ring around r to palm spin r 1.5 34-t1>korean fltar>bak>pu inverse shadow to palm spin r 1.0>
5 A# M* ~% F; x4 @korean fltar>ta to palm spin 1.5
3 ?! ~ @$ z; j. `1 C& M( i+ C7 d4 B6 d4 d1 V! \7 j
飞(星星)0 M# S6 t$ J3 H0 J
tw sonic 23-12>iar to air 12-23>inverse sonic 23-13>iar to air 13-t1>korean fltar>charge r 12>pass r 12-23>tw sonic r 23-34>! y; E9 _1 X G, o) ?" @8 j
pd pass n 34-23>pd tw sonic 23-12>flia>flia to air into 34>demon's sonic 34-12>tw sonic r 12-23>pass n 23-34>pass n 34-23>
( T. C( x1 S4 u( X# Zsonic 23-13>iar to air 13-23>inverse sonic 23-13>neo sonic 13-t1>tipped sonic t1-t2-t3>23>tw sonic r 23-34>pd pass n 34-23>: j+ N8 O9 L6 k+ D6 R
pd inverse sonic 23-13>wiper 13>WRIST STALL>
/ d6 p4 X n" g3 V, j2 ?, U( j4 Hair to 34>demon's sonic 34-12>tw sonic r 12-23>pass n 23-34>pd pass n 34-23>pd sonic 23-13>wiper 13>pass n 13-34>
8 \( S/ W3 J, [+ o( R! }; Ipass n 34-23>tw sonic 23-12>neo sonic 12-t1>fltar>sonic 34-24>mar to air 24-3>air to 34>pd pass n 34-23>pd inverse sonic 23-13% k5 F6 ^2 Q- L) ?
wiper 13>tw sonic r 13-34>pd pass n 34-23>pd devil's around 23-23>pd pass r 23-12>flia>pass r 12-23>tw sonic r 23-34>2 n3 w, [1 M7 I! l
pd pass n 34-23>pd tw sonic 23-12>pass r 12-t1>inverse sonic r t1-t2>wiper t2>ta>spread 234
4 G0 s& {4 g* N1 E) e0 ^
/ d9 ^% f, s# \- X8 O9 R蓝色字体的是我感觉比较适合学习的.
+ C" E+ P8 R2 C& Q5 p8 M j(还有很多只适合膜拜 )
/ n; J& d L/ C; a( N8 l
; k G# M/ j6 A! Z. k; v/ o; Y9 m& h
and,本片新颖的元素比较多. 所以我用了些中文..
3 Z8 s& h: y: B4 P" n/ v* h( b大家看的懂就好. 理解万岁..
1 Y, U% t, g. M
) q3 O0 F( f2 I[ 本帖最后由 0o郁闷de兰登o0 于 2008-8-21 08:04 编辑 ] |