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本帖最后由 Leftear 于 2015-5-11 23:02 编辑 . z: g* }! m7 G0 I5 Z
% D2 B4 q( G4 g( t
材料在国内全部可以买到!个人感觉手感应该类似于seven mod。0 Y% h% \1 D+ e5 x
1 r3 @+ l: ~, A+ j- @8 A原帖地址:http://upsb.info/xforum/index.php?threads/whizz-sc.820/
x2 q3 }+ P: H) ~7 g: ~=======================
" w. [3 N: E% o: Z- | H$ p" Z我可以确定的说这支笔是我改笔7年来平衡最好的一支sc。我转这支笔有好一段时间了,我现在绝对有信心叫它---whizz sc。为什么?有很多原因:长度,重量分布,外观,杆子的手感,平衡等等。只是让它非常接近完美。
6 l4 d. ?& {! @5 d& C成品图:/ X# u) H; U. D
基本数据: 长度:20.6cm 重量Signo-TippedComssa < whizz SC < Ajisai SC 材料: 1.拆解材料 2.如图切anyball,从后端开始2-1-1-1-1-2-3这样切,如果你想要完美平衡,这些个anyball很重要。 3.切Turbo Color,后盖从后面开始切1.4cm(那圈凸起切掉不算),Giotto杆子从尾部切4.4cm。 4.将anyball环A1(折叠一半)和A2(不用折叠)塞进切好的后盖里,你可能需要一些肥皂让其更容易塞进去,然后把后盖塞进切好的Giotto杆子前部。 5.把g3盖子里的那个橡胶圈前面尖尖的部分切掉让它变成一个环(这个要切得好一点,先套在一个塑料笔嘴的前端,类似rsvp,然后用刀环切) (请不要认为这一步并不重要。我已经花了很多时间来平衡这个MOD,所以我已经把橡胶圈的重量考虑进去了。) 6.将TurboColor杆子塞进Carioca Superwashable尾部,套上jell胶环(总长1cm),然后在前面缠2圈电工胶布顺便固定Signo嘴。 7.把Energel / Energize胶套上,然后把那圈g3胶圈塞进胶和Signo嘴之间。做好后应该是这样的: 8.将anyball胶圈A3塞进BPS-GP嘴里面,如图所示: 9.将BPS-GP嘴扔进g3盖子里,然后是Signo Broad胶,然后是jell装饰环(1cm) 10.塞进insert,将做好的前端进g3盖子里面,然后在杆子两端缠1圈白装饰胶布(6mm),完成!!! =============================== insert: =============================== Q&A:(懒得翻了,想看的同学自行翻译) Q: What parts can I sub?& N' O4 [( A# N0 o. H+ C1 L( s# H
A: You can sub Jimnie / Hyperjell grips as they are used in decorative sections; you might also sub Giotto TurboColor if you're brave enough ^^ You might also want to sub Signo Broad grip, but then you'll need another Anyball grip set or no Anyball grips in BPS-GP tip at all. You definitely shouldn't replace Energel grip, Carioca body, Signo tip, G3 cap and BPS-GP tip with something else if you're not sure about what you're doing. If you will do that, I can't guarantee that you'll get a good mod.
P3 s7 T6 O' L* P% M- o+ h1 D9 X$ ^ K$ D& F( L9 U& H( h
Q: Please give me the insert of the top mod!
' J9 g* a* @5 ]" V; m _. r$ FA: Click me.. t, i* g/ z. W% f/ b
! [/ t j7 t8 ^- b3 v: b% X' tQ: Why did you make this mod 20.6 cm long?
! ^7 m0 u4 r6 P" z0 T, ^, SA: The front side is the same length of the back G3 cap; you can make it longer or shorter if you want but, again, I can not tell that you'll get a nice mod to spin. ==============================# w0 s( h8 p: q+ c
1 d0 n. M% R, p4 a! ^Carioca Superwashable:http://item.taobao.com/item.htm? ... BbOJ&id=39559718275
6 I1 O. C1 U5 s" j# mGiotto Turbo Color:http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.
8 ]$ E5 `, {2 d9 R+ }: Z
# n8 ~3 s5 N4 o! T |