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本帖最后由 parco17173 于 2011-7-30 14:04 编辑 : B0 m' P. n B5 I+ s
4 C }. s2 G* H8 D9 R6 B9 }% q1 N. B. I P' @: I5 A* O( T8 G
6 v4 |% W( D* e" I$ i9 z
! [* Q! `) `" }( x! Q. x4 w+ r) J这是第二个6 A/ \% ^/ S! o
( M3 b- w6 n4 D
( ?3 l- K( \4 b3 L. z' e& W/ u大家提出的错误已经修正了。( Q n! F1 F0 l* g3 i- ~
( D" @3 B+ a$ y6 z0 @' C1 o欢迎继续提错
0 d. r" h( O; y! B4 U/ C7 a9 _
- P5 h: {+ C7 _+ s$ S. l9 @# m4 I
`" \ ^7 L \; y! r) V7 y4 J G感谢17L提醒8 u9 s/ H7 I! G4 Z- [
0 G4 M5 t6 I1 \$ t5 p为照顾爪机党的同学 同志 基友们* }* C8 ?4 Q" e0 K" l
) |; r% _- v; A* U' E7 \# y3 o
2 q8 ^" K4 w4 y( R( S% i. m' ?6 |0 |* s- r# Z% q, i
第一个:3 q) {1 z0 U8 S! F
charge n 12=>pass n 23-12=>pd wiper 12=>middle around x2 to 23=>sonic n 23-12=>bak around 1.5 23-12 pass n 12-23-34=>pinky bak=>shadows r 34-12=>pd charge r 12=>bak around 12-12=>tipped sonic to 13=>charge n 13=>pass n 13-34-23=>pd middle around 34-23=>tan=>pd tw sonic n 34-12=>wiper 12=>pass n12-13-12=>wiper 12=>pd fl index around=>pass r12-23=>sonic r23-24=>pass n24-12-23-34=>pd middle around n 23-23=>pass n23-34=>out=in sonic 34-13=>pass n 13-34=>spread=>5 o8 O, V8 U2 f0 B- r4 G
tw sonic n 34-23=>middle around 23-23=>pass r23-12=> hai tua to 34 =>tap to air into 12* B" ^4 B9 z; u0 h. P
' t- c! S) ^1 z+ @' N# E第二个:) s8 J% U8 B1 z
bak spin 5.0 to 12=>ex thumb around r=>palm spin 1.0=>hand around=> ex thumb around n to 12=>pass n 12-23-12=>wiper to t1=>
2 `/ I, |+ z7 t3 d, Qpass r t1-34=>charge r 34=>half charge n 34=>fltan to palm spin into 12=>tw sonic r 12-23=>pd pass n 23-12=>pd wiper 12 to air into 23=>6 n: [4 \& r8 x/ ?$ \
pd in sonic r 23-24=>pd pass n 24-12=>pd tw sonic r 12-34=>pd charge r34=> in sonic 34-(14)-12=>half charge r 12=>pass n 12-23=>. z3 A* _! Y2 R# @6 h7 J) Z7 U% m4 f. m
side sonic n 23-13=>pass n 13-34-23=>middle around r =>pd tw sonic r12-23=>middle around n=>tw sonic r 23-34=>ring around=>! g+ G, \0 c5 ]
pass r 34-13=>index around to 12 =>half in sonic r 12-(14)-24=>pd pass n 24-12-23=>pd half charge n 23=>pass n 23-12=>infinity=>
& d$ v; r7 x$ Bcont finger less thumb around normal x5=> yeah ! ending" e j8 W% K5 t) S2 t" e
' q5 d6 V5 e/ A: Z2 s: E4 |
0 {* i4 X) `! M; X4 ^) d3 \3 S/ d N [
, _0 X! { k0 Z; H% h! O) T$ g& m做这个实在是无力了。。
- P. o9 n/ n+ ^' I) ~* ]依然有不知道名字的招。。如最后一个。。6 l: e1 a% N; E
请大神们纠错。。 ( e) }! {# W! V; |/ `0 i
第三个的BD:: F9 L: K& N$ m
pd cont flma n x4=>pd pass r 23-12=>flia n=>pass r 12-23=>half sonic r 23-24=>pass n 24-12=>pd wiper 12 to air into 23=>pass n 23-34=>pd demon' sonic 34-12=>scissor spin to palm spin to 34=>pd tw sonic n 34-12=>sonic r12-23=>pass r 23-12=>pd pass n 12-23-12=>pd wiper 12 to air into 12=>passn t2-23=>pd half in sonic r 23-24=>pd pass r 24-12=>pd angel's sonic r 12-34=>in sonic n 34-14=>neo sonic 14-t1=>pass n t1-12=>bak around =>pass n 12-23=>ma n to air into 23=>pass n 23-34=>out-in sonic 34-12(13?)=>- - 手腕扭一圈- -=>middle bak to 12=>charge r 12=>neo bak to 12=>pass n 12-23-34=>pd pass n34-23-12=>pd charge n 12=>wiper 12 to palm spin into 34=>in sonic 34-14=> charge n 14to air into 34=>pd pass n34-12-23=>让我抽了的招。。。。, c9 u$ Y0 C2 q& y3 c
R; v8 j1 n9 h& \/ V& }6 h2 h# K
做的不好的地方见谅。。提出的错误我都会尽快改。: ^1 _& B* U7 j" X1 H! \' u
欢迎大家群嘲 群喷。。
& y: B1 f2 j: t6 R& [
k) Z: X; M3 l" f+ \4 d U5 x# Y" F2 `7 a. n, g, S
% t+ W. ^& l4 [& s4 \
我瞎了 我瞎了。。1 x% j# ~4 D" i) I# ]; X
- j" g" e7 G- M4 i: |8 o' u求纠错!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |